Sunday, October 3, 2010

First, I'll start by introducing myself.

Hi, my name's Kelsey, but you can just call me Fluffy. I know it's an odd nickname, I have many odd nicknames as I am an odd person. You'll learn that rather quickly. I'm the farthest thing from normal. 

So I'm going to start by telling you the 5 main things you should know about me:

1. I'm 15 years old, but I have the maturity of a 10 year old. If you don't like immature people, I suggest you leave. Now.

2.  I love rock,metal,classic rock, ect. Some of my favourite bands are Iron Maiden,Metallica,Slayer,Pearl Jam,and the Beatles. There is never a time, where I am not listening to music. Ok that's a lie and a half, I'm not listening to music right now.

3. You'd think because of the type of music I'm into I'd play drums, or guitar right? Well I don't. I play keyboard. Kind of nerdy, but I love it. 
If you're already bored of me, you should probably leave now, because I don't get anymore exciting.

4. I love animals. Apparently I don't seem like the type of person who would, judging by the reaction of 98% of my friends when I told them I had went vegetarian, but I do. Always have. Always will.

5. I get off topic, very easily. I have a very short attention span. My mind just kind of wonders off sometimes. I don't know why it does but I like pie.

So there you go, a little bit about me. As if you really care right? Oh well, talk to you later guys. 

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