Thursday, October 14, 2010


    Today I went to Oktoberfest in Kitchener,ON with my german class. Now I wasn't too thrilled about it because I didn't talk to anyone in my german class, but I'd have to say, it was really cool.

    So after being in a little car for 1.5 hours, with my german teacher driving (in my opinion, he should just stick to riding his bike everywhere because he is not a great driver) we finally got to this little recreation center, in the middle of nowhere. When you walked inside, the only thing you could hear was polka music.

     About 5 minutes after we sat down it was time to eat. I felt like an outcast because everyone knows Germany is famous for their sausages...and me being a vegetarian, I was the only one eating vegetarian lasagna. It was really tasty though.

    After all that there was some dancing, but since I didn't know anyone I just sat there and watched. Eventually, I started talking to some people because I felt a little bored.

     Today was a "high school day" , so there were like 14 other schools there and my one friend, who we can call Lemon, who I haven't seen for 2 years was there with her school. I was going to go talk to her but I'm a shy person and I didn't know if she would remember me or not so I didn't say anything. Well apparently Lemon did remember me because she came over to my schools table and we talked for about 10 minutes, except you know when you haven't seen someone a long time and you don't know what to talk about and it just ends up being really awkward... yeah... well that happened.

   Overall, Oktoberfest was amazing. The food was good, the dancers were great, the music was...polka-y. If you're into German culture, or you don't know anything about German (like myself) you should go. It's a great experience , both fun and educational...but don't worry, you hardly notice the educational part.



  1. But is Oktoberfest an accurate representation of German culture? I feel like I just associate sausages and high-speed trains with the country. Oh, generalizations.

    By the way, I noticed that your profile pic was Marilyn Manson- I could never take him seriously until I heard some of his quotes. Inspirational man, as overdone as he is.

  2. Well Oktoberfest is basically everything someone who doesn't know much about Germany would expect it to be. So like they had the guys up on stage in their lederhosen playing polka music and they had the german dancers and everyone was eating beer nuts. So pretty much just all the stereotypical stuff about germany :P it was really cool though.

    And i know same with me. Everyone was always talking about him and i'm like how can you like that guy he's so weird, but then I watched some of his interviews and read his quotes and i kinda love him :)
