Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Top 5 Best movies ever.

     Here are some of my all time favourite movies. You may not like them, but I'm going to share them with you anyways.

          5. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
    You know how you're always hearing about the holocaust from the jewish(or polish or whoever else was victim to the holocaust) point of view? Well, this story is told in a Nazi's point of view.

   It's about this little boy named Bruno, and his father's a Nazi. Bruno's father was being relocated to a concentration camp, which forced the family to move out of Berlin.

   Bruno's parents never told Bruno exactly what his father did. He didn't know that just past the tree's in his backyard, lied a concentration camp. Until one day, Bruno went to explore and he found the camp.

   That's when he met his little Jewish friend (I don't remember his name). Everyday Bruno would sneak out and bring some food and a game to play with his new friend.

   Bruno still did not understand what this place was. He would ask his friend about it, and his friend would tell him he had to work all day and what not. And then one day Bruno went to the fence and his friend couldn't find his parents, so the little boy got Bruno a pair of striped pajamas and Bruno snuck into the camp to help his friend look for his parents.

   I'm not going to say anymore because I don't want to ruin the end. Which by the way is pretty sad.

                      4. The Butterfly Effect
  This movie....I don't even think I can describe it. I've watched it about 500 times, and it still confuses me.

  Basically it's about this guy who has this mental problem. He like has all these blackouts and then when reading the journals he used to write he like totally changes his life.

  Unless you've seen the movie, you probably have no clue what I'm talking about. You just have to watch it, it's a pretty amazing movie.

                                3. Halloween 2
   Not the old one but the new one directed by Rob Zombie. I love horror movies. Except I have never found one that actually scared me. I like this movie because it is really graphic and violent. It's pretty amazing.

  Rob Zombie should really direct more scary movies because at least his are actually decent.

                        2. Shutter Island
  This movie, as predictable as it is, is just amazing. Basically it's about this cop who goes to investigate the disappearance of a lady in a prison. But not just any prison. A prison on an island. Oh and it's a prison for the mentally ill.

  This movie is just totally crazy, and like I said... it's pretty amazing.

                               1. Forrest Gump
      I can't even begin to explain how much I love this movie. It has so many life lessons, and it's just awesome.

    If everyone in the world was like Forrest Gump, it would be perfect. He's just the perfect character, he does things other people wouldn't do because they'd be scared of what others would think.

   This character who everyone calls stupid graduated college, fought in Vietnam, owned a shrimp company, got partnered with apple, and ran for 3 years straight.

  It's a great movie you HAVE to watch it.

  So there are some of my favourite movies. What are yours?


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